Timetable & Workshop descriptions

Full details of our workshops are here.  The timetable for the day – and below that individual workshop descriptions.
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22nd Feb 2025

Main Hall  all day Library 9 – 17.00 Meeting room

Saturday 9 – 11am


Oxana  £65

Technique and combinations


Yasmina  £45




Saturday 11.10-13.10 Oxana – Iraqi  £65

Iraqi rhythms and choreography

Khaled  £45

Baladi technique and choreography

Drumming class  with Joelle                12 – 13.00  £20
Saturday 13.20 – 15.20 Levana + Joelle:    £50

Work with live tabla and create a solo

Katie Alyce  £35

Oriental choreography

Cairo Dance Scene with Kay 13.20 – 14.20  £10
Tabla solo competition 15.55 – 16.30

16.30 – 18.30 Open Stage


Tabla solo competition starts 15.55 then Open stage

15.30 – 17.00

Jamilah Aziz  £25

Belly Bollywood –choreography

Changing room for Open stage
19.00 – 22.30 Gala show    

23rd Feb 25

Main Hall to 14.00 Library to 14.00  


Sunday 9.30 – 11.30 Oxana  £65

Classic song: technique, interpretation and choreography

Dorte  £35

Jazz up your Bellydance

Sunday 11.45 – 13.45 Levana  £45

Lyrical technique – including veil work.  Bring a silk veil

Joanne Miller  £35

Shaabi Time – great moves and tracks that make you want to dance


Sunday 14.15 – 16.15     Oxana – limited to Oxana package holders – in a nearby dance studio.

Workshop Descriptions
Click on the titles to book or for more information.


Oxana:  Technique and combinations:  Saturday 22nd Feb 2025. 9am – 11am
This is a wonderful opportunity to study with one of Cairos top dancers.  Oxana will focus on technique in this class and building some combinations to practice the technique.


Oxana:  Discover Iraqi.  Saturday 22nd Feb 2025. 11.10am – 13.10
Oxana is known for her amazing Iraqi dance.  In this class she will explain the rhythms and put together a piece of choreography demonstrating how they are used.

Khaled Mahmoud:  Baladi.    Saturday 22nd Feb 2025. 11.10am – 13.10
Khaled is going to share his own unique style of baladi.  Playful yet grounded.  Khaled will breakdown technique and teach a piece of choreography to one of his favourite pieces of baladi music.

Drum with Joelle.   Saturday 22/2/25. 12 – 13.00
Do you play the tabla?  Or the duff?
As a dancer it can be really useful to access the rhythms through playing them as well as dancing to them.  Joelle is a master percussionist who brings out the best in her students

Levana and Joelle:  Tabla solos:  Saturday 22nd Feb 2025.  13.20 – 15.20
Levana of the ‘Etoiles d’Orient’ festival in Mallorca teams up with master percussionist Joelle Barker to create amazing tabla solos.
You will work with live tabla and look at the dynamics of what makes a show stopping tabla solo.

Katie Alyce:  Oriental choreography:   Saturday 22nd Feb 2025.  13.20 – 15.20
Katie Alyce is renowned for her intricate and beautiful choreography.  Here she will teach an oriental choreography – bring a veil.  Expect some great combinations and effective use of space …..

Kay Taylor:  Talk on Cairo Dance Scene:   Saturday 22nd Feb 2025.  13.20 – 14.20
Kay takes you through different Cairo venues with video clips of dancers.  From boats to restaurants to the cabaret.  Kay takes groups regularly and likes nothing better than to find dancers in different settings as the dance scene develops.

Jamilah Aziz:  Belly Bollywood:   Saturday 22nd February 2025.  15.30 – 17.00
In this festival’s workshop, Jamilah will be teaching an energetic Bollywood-style Belly Dance.  Jamilah encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zones and try new dance styles, exploring the limitless joy and charm that dance offers.


Oxana:  Classic Egyptian song:   Sunday 23rd Feb 2025. 9.30am – 11.30am
This is a wonderful opportunity to study with one of Cairos top dancers.  Oxana will work with a classic song and how to interpret it.  This class will include technique and choreography to this music.

Dorte / Ishtar:  Jazz up your dance:  Sunday 23rd Feb 2025. 9.30am – 11.30am
Jazz up and light up your Bellydance.   Broadway meets bellydance in this workshop where we’ll infuse bellydance with some of the best moves, combinations and techniques from Jazz, Modern and Theatrical dance styles.

Levana:  Lyrical Technique:    Sunday 23rd Feb 2025.    11.45 – 13.45
Join Levana to develop your flow and musicality.  Levana looks at technique to create a beautiful flow to lyrical music.  This includes veil work.  Bring a silk veil to class if possible.

Joanne Miller:  Shaabi Time:   Sunday 23rd Feb 2025.    11.45 – 13.45
Joanne shares some funky shaabi moves and puts them in to a piece of choreography.  This will be great fun ….. but with lots of content to take away.  If you want to add to your shaabi repertoire, this is for you.

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