Teachers & Teaching Levels Explained
Bellydance Now (BDN) recognises the skills that teachers develop through their progression and learning, and we offer training and courses from entry-level (Level 1) to Mentors and Teacher Instructors (Level 4). See below for an in-depth explanation of all our teaching levels.
Teacher progression is open to all Level 1 and 2 BDN/JWAAD Instructors and Teachers who meet the criteria. If you want to work towards the next level within BDN, please email info@bellydance-now.com to find out more and register your interest.
Scholarships are available for those considering starting their teaching journey with us, and applications are accepted via our Yvette Cowles Scholarship.
Level 1 – Instructor
Once you have successfully completed the BDN/JWAAD Level 1 Teaching Certification (formerly known as the Safety Course), you join our ‘entry level’ teachers. We have a whole host of experience within this level – from very experienced teachers – to new teachers just starting their journey. You will gain access to certain workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day and get a standard online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page. This certificate qualifies you for some insurance schemes – an essential for any dance teacher.
Level 2 – Diploma Teacher
Once you have successfully completed the BDN/JWAAD Level 2 Teaching Diploma, you become a Level 2 Teacher. This denotes the fact that you have studied the full diploma course. Students know they can expect a high level of knowledge from their teacher and you will have learned the skills to teach well-structured and interesting classes. You will have access to all workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, as well as a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.
Level 3 – Mentor
As a Level 3 teacher, you become a Mentor which includes free bespoke training on mentoring techniques to help deliver our Personal Development Programme. Mentors take an active interest in the development of their regular students and have to commit to working to a high standard through Continued Personal Development (CPD) which needs to be certified every 2 years. CPD minimum requirement are:
- Attending 4 hours of high quality workshops and training for personal development
- Attend 2 BDN online lectures per year (or subscribe to our Teacher Tool Kit where these are also accessible)
- Take part in 2 free BDN online networking events per year
- In-depth free mentoring training at least every second year at the BDN Instructor and Teachers Day
Mentors will have access to all workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, as well as the in-depth mentoring training. The training ensures all mentors work to the same high standardised level and can develop a personal training and development plan for their students. Mentors also have a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.
Level 4 – Teacher Instructor
Once you have achieved Level 3, the next stage is to start to teach the teachers. This gives you a whole new perspective. As the organisation grows, we need new teachers on our accredited courses and ask for applications from our own teachers first.
You may be invited to teach at the BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, helping you to grow your teaching profile. You will take part in the in-depth mentoring training to ensure you follow the high national and international levels of teaching at BDN/JWAAD standard. You may be ask to develop or support the additional teacher and mentor training sessions, as well as other BDN dance development and courses. Professional Teachers also have a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.
Below is a list of our current BDN/JWAAD Teachers holding the Level 2 Teaching Diploma. Level 2 to Level 4.
BDN/JWAAD instructors who have completed the Level 1 teaching certification (formerly known as the Safety Course) are listed further down the page.
Find all of our active teachers and instructors in our class listings. BDN teachers are denoted with a pink pin. Information is correct at the time of posting.
Teacher | Surname | First name | Area | |
L4 | Booth | Gwen | Oxford | geb21@hotmail.com |
L4 | Evelyn | Dorte | Weybridge, Surrey | ishtar@mail.org |
L4 | Masson | Raphaelle | Paris, France | bellydeluxe@gmail.com |
L4 | Taylor | Kay | Newcastle T&W | kaytbd@me.com |
L4 | Tormo | Carmen | Valencia | airintormo@gmail.com |
L4 | Will | Abeer | Germany | abeerwill@gmx.de |
L4 | Wise | Josephine | Bristol | jo.wise@jwaad.com |
L3 | Aitken | Elizabeth | Cambridgeshire | elizabethbellydancer@gmail.com |
L3 | Baker | Sue | Cambridge | susi-bee@hotmail.co.uk |
L3 | Banks | Moyra | Edinburgh | moyrabanks@gmail.com |
L2 | Mason | Abbie | Herefordshire | Alanyadancer@gmail.com |
L3 | Mayel | Maelle | London/Dubais | maellebellydancer@yahoo.co.uk |
L3 | Mersand | Galit | Europe/Zoom | info@galitmersand.com |
L3 | Wassell | Charlotte | Brighton | charlotte@solarismoves.com |
L2 | Allee | Janice | Surrey | janisfab@aol.com |
L2 | Barnfather | Claire | Newcastle, T&W | claire@bellydances.co.uk |
L2 | Bartholemew | Catherine | Rochester, Kent | cat@sevenveils.co.uk |
L2 | Bisco | Anna | Leeds | loveday.bellydance@googlemail.com |
L2 | Boreland | Kristyene | N Ireland | laila_9662002@yahoo.co.uk |
L2 | Borg | Natalie | East Lothian | therosehafla@outlook.com |
L2 | Brennan | Josephine | Coventry | josephine.brennan@loveitts.co.uk |
L2 | Browning | Sinead | ||
L2 | Bucciarelli | Warda | Italy | wardafb@gmail.com |
L2 | Burgess | Lisa Michaela | Malaga, Spain | lisamichaela@hotmail.co.uk |
L2 | Burton | Charlotte | Gillingham, Kent | charlotte.vburton@hotmail.co.uk |
L2 | Cannetti | Sylvia | ||
L2 | Chandler | Anna | Bristol | bristolbellydance@yahoo.co.uk |
L2 | Chapman | Emma | Cambridge | emmachapman@sky.com |
L2 | Clarke | Catherine | ||
L2 | Clarke | Julie | Luton | j.clarke947@ntlworld.com |
L2 | Clipsham | Vanessa | Huntingdon, Cambs | vanessaclipsham@aol.com |
L2 | Collins | Lisa | Galway, Ireland | galwaybellydance@gmail.com |
L2 | Cooke | Jayne/Bamba | Grimsby | bambadance@proton.me |
L2 | Cowles | Yvette | See YC Scholarship | |
L2 | Cowan | Karin | Belfast | karinc2010@hotmail.co.uk |
L2 | Curtis | Beatrice | Surrey | beatricecurtis@googlemail.com |
L2 | Dinsdale | Alla | Cambridgeshire | alla.din@hotmail.co.uk |
L2 | Djadda | Nancy | London | nancydjadda@gmail.com |
L2 | Dobson | Louise | Hertford | bellydancerlou@gmail.com |
L2 | Estanguet | Alize | Po, France | alize.estanguet@orange.fr |
L2 | Frankum | Alison | ||
L2 | Gervasio | Harriet | London | harrietgervasio@me.com |
L2 | Goodwin | Carol | Cambridgeshire | |
L2 | Gould | Chris | London | Christine1958@sky.com |
L2 | Gray | Hazel | Co Durham | hgray20@btinternet.com |
L2 | Hagan | Shona | Dorset | shona@shonahagan.com |
L2 | Hall | Ann | No longer teaching | hallann3@icloud.com |
L2 | Hegre | Ragnhild | Norway | ragnhild.hegre@hegre.toyota.no |
L2 | Henderson | Jill | Tyne & Wear | jillhenderson@hotmal.co.uk |
L2 | Hopkins | Elizabeth | liza_h@hotmail.co.uk | |
L2 | Howell | Maureen | Birmingham | maureenhowell1@googlemail.com |
L2 | Humphreys | Heike | Southampton | akasha@akashatribal.co.uk |
L2 | Jablonska | Agnieszka | London | fifikot@yahoo.co.uk |
L2 | Jameel | Saeeda | North Somerset | saeedabellydance@googlemail.com |
L2 | Khessib | Angelica | Egham, Surrey | anjelirkku@yahoo.co.uk |
L2 | Kingston | Anne | Grimsargh,Preston | annekingston22@btinternet.com |
L2 | Krause | Margaret | Camberley, Surrey | peter.krause@ntlworld.com |
L2 | Lall | Nisha | Sheffield | info@nldance.co.uk |
L2 | Lewis | Jessica | London | amazonsrus@hotmail.com |
L2 | Linley | Judi | Newbury | jiudilinley@talktalk.net |
L2 | Livermore | Nikki | Carterton, Oxfirdshire | nikkibdancer@hotmail.com |
L2 | Llewellyn | Larissa | York | larissacollins8@gmail.com |
L2 | Lloyd | Sue | Shropshire | sglloyd@outlook.com |
L2 | Mackenzie | Desna | Lancaster | desna@desna-dances.co.uk |
L2 | MacDonald | Deiredre | Scotland and Spain | hipswithattitude@yahoo.com |
L2 | Malone | Bree | Australia | |
L2 | Martin | Sandi | Hampshire | sandibellydance@gmail.com |
L2 | McCann | Annette | Fife, Scotland | a_net@madasafish.com |
L2 | McLaughlin | Ann | Glasgow, Scotland | darkchoclover@btinternet.com |
L2 | Miller | Joanne | Newcastle | millerjoanne86@gmail.com |
L2 | Neal | Samantha | London | samnara@aol.com |
L2 | Nicholson | Pamela | ||
L2 | Norman | Melanie | Bath | admin@arabquarter.co.uk |
L2 | Ord | Susan | Alnwick | |
L2 | Orr | Alison | ||
L2 | Piggott | Jan | Zoom, Dorset, Hamp | janbelly@hotmail.com |
L2 | Pratt | Sharlene | Luton, Beds | sharlenefizzymail@yahoo.com |
L2 | Pratt | Dodo | Warwickshire | |
L2 | Rapley Giles | Trish | Sandhurst, Berks | |
L2 | Reid | Sue | Jersey | susanreidjer@googlemail.com |
L2 | Richardson Goodlad | Sarah | ||
L2 | Rickerby | Sarah | Blackpool | sarah_rickerby@sky.com |
L2 | Sabbatella | Bev | bevsabbatella@msn.com | |
L2 | Sanderson | Amelia | Tyne & Wear | ameliabarlow210@btinternet.com |
L2 | Skar | Monika | Norway | monika.skar@conocophillips.com |
L2 | Smit | Jude | Surrey | judebutterflysmit@yahoo.co.uk |
L2 | Taylor | Jeanette | Keighley, W Yorks | taylorjeanette@tiscali.co.uk |
L2 | Thompson | Sandra | Hull | sandra@piggies.karoo.co.uk |
L2 | Valois | Tine | Denmark | tinevalois@hotmail.com |
L2 | West | Camilla | London | camillawest@hotmail.com |
L2 | Widdaker | Elaine | ||
L2 | Wood | Christine | Hampshire | woodfamily18@btinternet.com |
L2 | Young | Jean |

Safety course – breaking down technique
Below are the names of teachers who have successfully completed the Level 1 Teaching Certification. Some are very experienced teachers, others are newer to teaching. Some may be working towards the BDN/JWAAD Teaching Diploma, while others have taken different routes.
When the Level 1 Teaching Certification is completed, we certify people to teach to the level below their own current technique level. At any time, teachers can get this reviewed by having their technique level updated – but not everyone does.
Some teach community classes, others higher levels. Where up-to-date information has been given, and the technique level is of a higher level, these teachers are also listed in our Class area denoted with a turquoise pin.
Every effort is made to keep these lists up to date and accurate please contact us on info@bellydance-now.com if you spot any mistakes. (Updated 16th January 2025)
Surname | First Name | Area |
Adamson | Deb | Dumfries |
Adegbite | Kiera | |
Akgunduz | Lisa | |
Andersen | Vicky | London |
Armstrong | Jayne | |
Armstrong | Eleanor | Northumberland |
Armstrong | Laura | Enniskillen, N Ireland |
Arnott | Debra | Huddersfield |
Arora | Deepa | London |
Ashton | Tokie | London |
Ashworth | Angela | Lancashire |
Austin | Pamela | Havant |
Baeyens | Annelies | Belgium |
Barber | Kerry | Worksop |
Barnard | Amy | London |
Barter | Rose | Wales |
Bartlett | Cristina | Salisbury |
Bedford | Kat | |
Bell | Emily | Bristol |
Benoit | Hilary | Herefordshire |
Berry | Emma | Sheffield |
Birch | Karen | Ilkley |
Birchall nee Crabbe | Julia | Leicester |
Bittar | Melina | Surrey |
Bizzari | Faten | |
Bjarkoy | Trine Irene | |
Blagden | Ann | Cheltenham |
Bootes | Sandra | Carlisle |
Boothman | Donna | Nottinghamshire |
Borek | Rachael | Manchester |
Bosley | Michelle | Dorset |
Bourne | Thelma | London |
Bowler | Holly | Telford |
Box | Liz | Fife, Scotland |
Bradley | Lesley | Blackburn |
Brewster Wrann | Sarah | |
Buchan | Nici | Edinburgh |
Buchanan | Venetta | Huddersfield |
Burnett | Laurie | Texas, USA |
Burton | Denise | Kent |
Bywater | Lyn | Essex |
Caddick | Katherine | Shropshire |
Cahill | Jenny | Exeter |
Callaghan | Sarah | Wantage |
Campbell | Clare | Berkshire |
Campbell | Serita | Hants |
Cannoodt | Hilde | London |
Carman | Kathryn | Merseyside |
Casson | Janene | Weymouth |
Chailloux | Christine | Tyne & Wear |
Champion | Trish | Berkshire |
Chan | Nadia | Surrey |
Chapman | Josephine | |
Chastney | Louise | |
Cheel | Anita | Essex |
Chen | Wanshu | Poertsmouth |
Chora | Ana | Portugal |
Clark | Vronnie | Cornwall |
Clarke | Michelle | Essex |
Clement | Claire | Swansea |
Coates | Julia | North Wales |
Coello | Jane | Leeds |
Coles nee Daly | Annabel | Oxford |
Collier | Gaye | Bristol |
Collier | Melanie | Wales |
Cook | Rosie | Bristol |
Coulter | Eleanor | Berkshire |
Cousins | Jenny | Sheffield |
Cozart | Jennifer | Steilacoom, USA |
Crocker | Ramona | Wales |
Crosby | Sharon | Ilkley |
Cross | Elaine | Sheffield |
Croucher | Ann | Lincolnshire |
Curtis | Donna | W Sussex |
D’Allison | Jenny | Haywards Heath |
Dakini | Tara | Ayershire |
Dalley | Danuta | Lincolnshire |
Danby | Kim | Gloucestershire |
Danilenko | Elina | Cambridge |
Darasse | Louise | Belgium |
Darling | Laura | Edinburgh |
Davidson | Nancy | Australia |
Davies | Debra | Northumberland |
Day | Sian | Calderdale |
de Andres | Jennifer | Belgium |
De Chadaravian | Rita | Oxon |
De Sica | Francesca | London |
De Simoni | Ilaria | Devon |
Delmer | Jane | Jersey |
Dent / Kenny | Chloe | E Sussex |
Diamond | Lana | Huddersfield |
Dickinson | Sue | Swindon |
Dinsdale | Roxanne | Leicester |
Disley | Faye | Essex |
Dravecz | Nikolett | Sheffield |
Eden | Clare | Gloucestershire |
Eggins | Heather | Somerset, Devon |
Elkasmi | Rkia | London |
Ellison | Louise | Cambridge |
Evans | Caroline | Not currently teaching |
Everest nee Black | Daun | Kent |
Facey | Michelle | |
Fallah | Jaleh | Sheffield |
Fiberesima | Natasha | Stockport |
Filippi | Rose | Glasgow |
Fletcher | Lynne | Sheffield |
Fletcher | Tracey | Sheffield |
Flude | Stephanie | Aberdeenshire |
Forrest | Rachel | |
Franks | Judith | |
Fraser | Amanda | Glasgow |
Fraser | Joanne | Larbert, Scotland |
Froggat | Abi | |
Fry | Jackie | Cornwall |
Game | Sarah | Middlesborough |
Garbutt | Ruth | Leeds |
Garham | Rhiannon | Wales |
Garrett | Arlene | Lancaster |
Garrish | Sarah | Preston |
Gaunt | Sharon | |
Gavalierova | Martina | |
Gelber | Naama | Kent |
Gerrard | Nicky | |
Gilbert | Louise | Essex |
Gimblett | Katerina | Wiltshire |
Gledhill | Alex | |
Glen | Adele | Belfast |
Glover | Cath | |
Goddard | Jayney | Hastings |
Gooding | Vanessa | Hartlepool |
Goodman | Olivia | Bristol |
Gorczynska | Elzbieta | London |
Goudarzi | Danielle | Aberdeen |
Grainger | Gill | W Yorkshire |
Granger | Jane | |
Gray | Natalie | Oxford |
Greene | Lianna | E Sussex |
Greenslade | Marisol | E Sussex |
Gurden | Caroline | Hastings |
Halimi | Victoria | Swansea |
Hall | Rebekah | Surrey |
Hamilton | Emma | Stirling |
Hancock | Liz | |
Harris | Anne | Jersey |
Harris | Michelle | Kent |
Harrison | Karen | |
Harrison | Lorna | |
Harrison | Julia | Sheffield |
Healey | Maura | |
Heard | Sian | Cheltenham |
Heath | Joanna | Dorset |
Heaton | Louise | Bolton, Lancs |
Heaviside | Cicely | Sheffield |
Hein | Solange | London |
Hemming | Erica | |
Hilliard | Maria | Southampton |
Hirani | Joshna | |
Hislop | Rachel | |
Hole | Angela | Hants |
Hollands | Debbie | |
Holley | Louise | Winscombe |
Holmes | Maureen | Merseyside |
Hoodbhoy | Nadia | London |
Houle | Jennifer | Belfast |
Howell | Feyza | Berkshire |
Howrie | Debbie | Cumbria |
Hudson | Jan | |
Hughes | Wendy | |
Humphrey | Sharon | Norfolk |
Humphries | Laura | |
Hurcombe | Bernadette | Epsom |
Hurd | Connie | Lincolnshire |
Hutton | Gillian | Co Durham |
Hutton | Rosemary | |
Isaac | Kay | Devon |
Jabowska | Bridget | |
Jackson | Fiona | Shropshire |
Jarrett | Liz | Southport |
Jeffreys | Deb | Gwent |
Jensen | Marie | Denmark |
Johncocks | Rebecca | Isle of Skye |
Johnson | Aileen | Inverness |
Jones | Kerry | Cumbria |
Jones | Pam | Gloucestershire |
Jones | Angela | Shropshire |
Jones | Diane | Newcastle |
Jowers | Sally | Sheffield |
Karstad | Jill | Hartlepool |
Katriou | Stamatia-Ann | London |
Keating | Deborah | Milton Keynes |
Kelleher | Sarah | Cheshire |
Kennedy | Kay | Scotland |
Kennedy | Sofia | Hampshire |
Kincaid | Kathryn | Berkshire |
Laird | Tammy | Renfrewshire |
Lane | Angela | Nottingham |
Lane-Smith | Susan | |
Lapochkina | Vera | London |
Lasalle | Collette | Somerset |
Leach | Jane | Manchester |
LeFevre | Rosemary | Norwich |
Lewis | Alison | Northumberland |
Lin | Amy | |
Litsa | Constantina | |
Livsey | Elizabeth | |
Lo | Amy | London |
MacDonald | Karen | East Kilbride |
MacDonald | Catriona | Wales |
MacFarlane | Nihoma | Fife |
Malone | Bree | Australia |
Marriott | Eleanor | Broadmayne |
Marshall | Jennie | Teddington |
Mason | Ruth | |
Matsi | Maria | Essex |
Matthewman | Lisa | |
Matthews | Barbara | Wales |
Mayhew | Tania | Kettering |
McAllister | Sally | Cumbria |
McConkey | Nichola | Belfast |
McCue | Gina | Jersey |
McCue | Rachel | Sheffield |
McCullough | Natalie | Suffolk |
McGillivray | Jude | Shropshire |
McGregor | Clair | Peterborough |
McLachlan | Aileen | |
McLaren | Nicola | Edinburgh |
McLean | Joanna | Belfast |
Meadowcroft | Carrie | Merseyside |
Medley | Maud | Kent |
Meehan | Pauline | |
Mehmet | Fatma Adnan | |
Miller | Joanne | Tyne & Wear |
Miri-Meziane | Farah | Kent |
Mitchell | Bethan | Stirling |
Mobley | Catherine | London |
Mole | Jane | Kent |
Molloy | Jemma | London |
Moody | Clare | |
Morgan | Penny | Gloucester |
Morris | Eve | |
Munoz-Cobo Cebral | Macarena | |
Noble Vigil | Iraya | Edinburgh |
O’Connell | Mary | |
O’Kane | Eimear | Edinburgh |
Olivieri | Giovanna | |
Oniga | Andreea | Dundee |
Ovenden | Donna | Hampshire |
Owen | Sabrina | Leeds |
Parvin | Beatrice | London |
Payton | Aimee | Oxford |
Pearlson | Kathleen | London |
Phelan | Margaret | |
Phillips | Debbie | Hertfordshire |
Phillips | Helena Jane | Swansea |
Phyfer | Maureen | Scotland |
Piggott | Caroline | Hampshire |
Piros | Szidonia | Warwick |
Platten | Sara | Essex |
Pooke | Angela | Surrey |
Porter | Victoria | Jarrow T&W |
Price | Karen | Wolverhampton |
Przibram | Bridie | Wales |
Pulman | Sarah | Glasgow |
Rafiefar | Rachel | Derby |
Rapson | Terri | Shropshire |
Reid | Susan | Jersey |
Reynolds | Aisling | Coventry |
Richardson | Karen | |
Rix | Helen | Leeds |
Roberts | Sally | Wales |
Roberts | Samantha | North East |
Robertshaw | Diana | Bedford |
Robertson | Amanda (Tigerlily) | Peebles |
Robins | Julie | Berkshire |
Rorstad | Julia | Devon |
Rowland | Anne | |
Rowley | Helen | Tamworth |
Ryan | Dee | Tyne & Wear |
Salem | Claire | Glastonbury |
Salomon | Lindsey | Shropshire |
Sanchez Munoz | Cristina (Serenay) | Surrey |
Sanderson | Caroline | Cumbria |
Sanz | Erika | London |
Saunders | Josephine | Oxon |
Scannell | Noreen | Ireland |
Scott | Stephanie | W Midlands |
Scott | Geraldine | |
Seymour | Sue | Surrey |
Shakespeare | Mary | Preston |
Sheard | Emily | Sheffield |
Sheppard-Aldecoa | Erica (Rikki) | Gloucestershire |
Shirkie | Eleanor | Ayrshire |
Shutt | Alexandra Jean | |
Sinclair | Eren | |
Slack | Sophie | |
Smart | Katerina | Derby |
Smith | Beverley | Leeds |
Smyth | Samantha | Richmond |
Snee | Mandy | Newcastle |
Snook | Raewyn | New Zealand |
Snow | Nicola | Essex |
Sotiropoulou | Walladay (Eirini) | Manchester |
Spoors | Kelly | Hartlepool |
Spreadbury | Merrion | Hampshire |
Stevens | Louise | North Wiltshire |
Stewart | Tricia | County Durham |
Stobbs | Claire | Newcastle |
Stuckey | Nadia | Hove |
Suganuma | Itsumi | London |
Svanda | Sarah | Essex |
Taberno | Esther | Surrey |
Taplin | Lisa | |
Teasdale | Kelly | W Sussex |
Terry | Rachel | Wiltshire |
Thay | Carol | Hertfordshire |
Theaker | Alison | Devon |
Thompson | Julie | Washington T&W |
Thurston | Helena | Dorset |
Tobin | Claire | Ireland |
Tormo Martin | Carmen Irene | Sheffield |
Trafford | Jo | Oxon |
Trewhitt | Sarah | North Yorkshire |
Trifona Christoudia | Mel | Cambridge |
Trueman | Eleanor | Midlothian |
Turnbill | Joanne | Southampton |
Tyler | Jacqui | Oxon |
Valkova | Mariya | Middlesex |
Walker | Rachel | N Wales |
Ward | Joanie | Glasgow |
Ward | Steffi | Staffordshire |
Warner | Samantha | Bedford |
Warwick | Christine | Bedford |
Wassell | Charlotte | Brighton |
Watson | Elise | Cheshire |
Wear | Ann | Huddersfield |
Welch | Natasha | Hertfordshire |
Welsby | Gail | Preston |
Wheate | Emma | Redditch |
White | Kay | Oxfordshire |
White | Olivia | Harrow, Middlesex |
White | Sheila | Birmingham |
Whittaker | Camilla | |
Whittington | Kathryn | Berkshire |
Wickard | Ashley | N Yorkshire |
Williamson | Rita | Penrith |
Williamson | Tina | Angus |
Willis | Fiona | Somerset |
Winestone | Judith | |
Woodhead | Jen | Staffordshire |
Woolley | Tatiana | Nottingham |
Ydstie | Catherine |