Teachers & Teaching Levels Explained

Bellydance Now (BDN) recognises the skills that teachers develop through their progression and learning, and we offer training and courses from entry-level (Level 1) to Mentors and Teacher Instructors (Level 4). See below for an in-depth explanation of all our teaching levels. 

Teacher progression is open to all Level 1 and 2 BDN/JWAAD Instructors and Teachers who meet the criteria. If you want to work towards the next level within BDN, please email info@bellydance-now.com to find out more and register your interest.  

Scholarships are available for those considering starting their teaching journey with us, and applications are accepted via our Yvette Cowles Scholarship.

Level 1 – Instructor

Once you have successfully completed the BDN/JWAAD Level 1 Teaching Certification (formerly known as the Safety Course), you join our ‘entry level’ teachers. We have a whole host of experience within this level – from very experienced teachers – to new teachers just starting their journey. You will gain access to certain workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day and get a standard online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page. This certificate qualifies you for some insurance schemes – an essential for any dance teacher.

Level 2 – Diploma Teacher

Once you have successfully completed the BDN/JWAAD Level 2 Teaching Diploma, you become a Level 2 Teacher. This denotes the fact that you have studied the full diploma course. Students know they can expect a high level of knowledge from their teacher and you will have learned the skills to teach well-structured and interesting classes. You will have access to all workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, as well as a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.

Level 3 – Mentor

As a Level 3 teacher, you become a Mentor which includes free bespoke training on mentoring techniques to help deliver our Personal Development Programme. Mentors take an active interest in the development of their regular students and have to commit to working to a high standard through Continued Personal Development (CPD) which needs to be certified every 2 years. CPD minimum requirement are:

  • Attending 4 hours of high quality workshops and training for personal development
  • Attend 2 BDN online lectures per year (or subscribe to our Teacher Tool Kit where these are also accessible)
  • Take part in 2 free BDN online networking events per year
  • In-depth free mentoring training at least every second year at the BDN Instructor and Teachers Day

Mentors will have access to all workshops and networking opportunities at the annual BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, as well as the in-depth mentoring training. The training ensures all mentors work to the same high standardised level and can develop a personal training and development plan for their students. Mentors also have a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.

Level 4 – Teacher Instructor

Once you have achieved Level 3, the next stage is to start to teach the teachers. This gives you a whole new perspective.  As the organisation grows, we need new teachers on our accredited courses and ask for applications from our own teachers first.

You may be invited to teach at the BDN Instructor and Teachers Day, helping you to grow your teaching profile. You will take part in the in-depth mentoring training to ensure you follow the high national and international levels of teaching at BDN/JWAAD standard. You may be ask to develop or support the additional teacher and mentor training sessions, as well as other BDN dance development and courses. Professional Teachers also have a personalised online listing on the BDN ‘Find a Class’ page.


Below is a list of our current BDN/JWAAD Teachers holding the Level 2 Teaching Diploma.  Level 2 to Level 4. 


BDN/JWAAD instructors who have completed the Level 1 teaching certification (formerly known as the Safety Course) are listed further down the page.

Find all of our active teachers and instructors in our class listings. BDN teachers are denoted with a pink pin.  Information is correct at the time of posting.

Teacher Surname First name Area email
L4 Booth Gwen Oxford geb21@hotmail.com
L4 Evelyn Dorte Weybridge, Surrey ishtar@mail.org
L4 Masson Raphaelle Paris, France bellydeluxe@gmail.com
L4 Taylor Kay Newcastle T&W kaytbd@me.com
L4 Tormo Carmen Valencia airintormo@gmail.com
L4 Will Abeer Germany abeerwill@gmx.de
L4 Wise Josephine Bristol jo.wise@jwaad.com
L3 Aitken Elizabeth Cambridgeshire elizabethbellydancer@gmail.com
L3 Baker Sue Cambridge susi-bee@hotmail.co.uk
L3 Banks Moyra Edinburgh moyrabanks@gmail.com 
L2 Mason Abbie Herefordshire Alanyadancer@gmail.com
L3 Mayel Maelle London/Dubais maellebellydancer@yahoo.co.uk
L3 Mersand Galit Europe/Zoom info@galitmersand.com
L3  Wassell Charlotte Brighton charlotte@solarismoves.com
L2 Allee Janice Surrey janisfab@aol.com
L2 Barnfather Claire Newcastle, T&W claire@bellydances.co.uk
L2 Bartholemew Catherine Rochester, Kent cat@sevenveils.co.uk
L2 Bisco Anna Leeds loveday.bellydance@googlemail.com
L2 Boreland Kristyene N Ireland laila_9662002@yahoo.co.uk
L2 Borg Natalie East Lothian therosehafla@outlook.com
L2 Brennan Josephine Coventry josephine.brennan@loveitts.co.uk
L2 Browning Sinead    
L2 Bucciarelli Warda Italy wardafb@gmail.com
L2 Burgess Lisa Michaela Malaga, Spain lisamichaela@hotmail.co.uk
L2 Burton Charlotte Gillingham, Kent charlotte.vburton@hotmail.co.uk
L2 Cannetti Sylvia    
L2 Chandler Anna Bristol bristolbellydance@yahoo.co.uk
L2 Chapman Emma Cambridge emmachapman@sky.com
L2 Clarke Catherine    
L2 Clarke Julie Luton j.clarke947@ntlworld.com
L2 Clipsham Vanessa Huntingdon, Cambs vanessaclipsham@aol.com
L2 Collins Lisa Galway, Ireland galwaybellydance@gmail.com
L2 Cooke Jayne/Bamba Grimsby bambadance@proton.me
L2 Cowles Yvette See YC Scholarship  
L2 Cowan Karin Belfast karinc2010@hotmail.co.uk
L2 Curtis Beatrice Surrey beatricecurtis@googlemail.com
L2 Dinsdale Alla Cambridgeshire alla.din@hotmail.co.uk
L2 Djadda Nancy London nancydjadda@gmail.com
L2 Dobson Louise Hertford bellydancerlou@gmail.com
L2 Estanguet Alize Po, France alize.estanguet@orange.fr
L2 Frankum Alison    
L2 Gervasio Harriet London harrietgervasio@me.com
L2 Goodwin Carol Cambridgeshire  
L2 Gould Chris London Christine1958@sky.com
L2 Gray Hazel Co Durham hgray20@btinternet.com
L2 Hagan Shona Dorset shona@shonahagan.com
L2 Hall Ann  No longer teaching hallann3@icloud.com
L2 Hegre Ragnhild Norway ragnhild.hegre@hegre.toyota.no
L2 Henderson Jill Tyne & Wear jillhenderson@hotmal.co.uk
L2 Hopkins Elizabeth   liza_h@hotmail.co.uk
L2 Howell Maureen Birmingham maureenhowell1@googlemail.com
L2 Humphreys Heike Southampton akasha@akashatribal.co.uk
L2 Jablonska Agnieszka London fifikot@yahoo.co.uk
L2 Jameel Saeeda North Somerset saeedabellydance@googlemail.com
L2 Khessib Angelica Egham, Surrey anjelirkku@yahoo.co.uk
L2 Kingston Anne Grimsargh,Preston annekingston22@btinternet.com
L2 Krause Margaret Camberley, Surrey peter.krause@ntlworld.com
L2 Lall Nisha Sheffield info@nldance.co.uk
L2 Lewis Jessica London amazonsrus@hotmail.com
L2 Linley Judi Newbury jiudilinley@talktalk.net
L2 Livermore Nikki Carterton, Oxfirdshire nikkibdancer@hotmail.com
L2 Llewellyn Larissa York larissacollins8@gmail.com
L2 Lloyd Sue Shropshire sglloyd@outlook.com
L2 Mackenzie Desna Lancaster desna@desna-dances.co.uk
L2 MacDonald Deiredre Scotland and Spain hipswithattitude@yahoo.com
L2 Malone Bree Australia  
L2 Martin Sandi Hampshire sandibellydance@gmail.com
L2 McCann Annette Fife, Scotland a_net@madasafish.com
L2 McLaughlin Ann  Glasgow, Scotland darkchoclover@btinternet.com
L2 Miller Joanne Newcastle millerjoanne86@gmail.com
L2 Neal Samantha London samnara@aol.com
L2 Nicholson Pamela    
L2 Norman Melanie Bath admin@arabquarter.co.uk
L2 Ord Susan Alnwick  
L2 Orr Alison    
L2 Piggott Jan  Zoom, Dorset, Hamp janbelly@hotmail.com
L2 Pratt Sharlene Luton, Beds sharlenefizzymail@yahoo.com
L2 Pratt Dodo Warwickshire  
L2 Rapley Giles Trish Sandhurst, Berks  
L2 Reid Sue Jersey susanreidjer@googlemail.com
L2 Richardson Goodlad Sarah    
L2 Rickerby Sarah Blackpool sarah_rickerby@sky.com
L2 Sabbatella Bev   bevsabbatella@msn.com
L2 Sanderson Amelia Tyne & Wear ameliabarlow210@btinternet.com
L2 Skar Monika Norway monika.skar@conocophillips.com
L2 Smit Jude Surrey judebutterflysmit@yahoo.co.uk
L2 Taylor Jeanette Keighley, W Yorks taylorjeanette@tiscali.co.uk
L2 Thompson Sandra Hull sandra@piggies.karoo.co.uk
L2 Valois Tine Denmark tinevalois@hotmail.com
L2 West Camilla London camillawest@hotmail.com
L2 Widdaker Elaine    
L2 Wood Christine Hampshire woodfamily18@btinternet.com
L2 Young Jean     


Safety course – breaking down technique

Below are the names of teachers who have successfully completed the Level 1 Teaching Certification.  Some are very experienced teachers, others are newer to teaching. Some may be working towards the BDN/JWAAD Teaching Diploma, while others have taken different routes.

When the Level 1 Teaching Certification is completed, we certify people to teach to the level below their own current technique level. At any time, teachers can get this reviewed by having their technique level updated – but not everyone does.

Some teach community classes, others higher levels.  Where up-to-date information has been given, and the technique level is of a higher level, these teachers are also listed in our Class area denoted with a turquoise pin.  

Every effort is made to keep these lists up to date and accurate please contact us on info@bellydance-now.com if you spot any mistakes.  (Updated 16th January 2025)

Surname First Name Area
Adamson Deb Dumfries
Adegbite Kiera  
Akgunduz Lisa  
Andersen Vicky London
Armstrong Jayne  
Armstrong Eleanor Northumberland
Armstrong Laura Enniskillen, N Ireland
Arnott Debra Huddersfield
Arora Deepa London
Ashton Tokie London
Ashworth Angela Lancashire
Austin Pamela Havant
Baeyens Annelies Belgium
Barber Kerry Worksop
Barnard Amy London
Barter Rose Wales
Bartlett Cristina Salisbury
Bedford Kat  
Bell Emily Bristol
Benoit Hilary Herefordshire
Berry Emma Sheffield
Birch Karen Ilkley
Birchall nee Crabbe Julia Leicester
Bittar Melina Surrey
Bizzari Faten  
Bjarkoy Trine Irene  
Blagden Ann Cheltenham
Bootes Sandra Carlisle
Boothman Donna Nottinghamshire
Borek Rachael Manchester
Bosley Michelle Dorset
Bourne Thelma London
Bowler Holly Telford
Box Liz Fife, Scotland
Bradley Lesley Blackburn
Brewster Wrann Sarah  
Buchan  Nici  Edinburgh
Buchanan Venetta Huddersfield
Burnett Laurie Texas, USA
Burton Denise Kent
Bywater Lyn Essex
Caddick Katherine Shropshire
Cahill Jenny Exeter
Callaghan Sarah Wantage
Campbell Clare Berkshire
Campbell Serita Hants
Cannoodt Hilde London
Carman Kathryn Merseyside
Casson Janene Weymouth
Chailloux Christine Tyne & Wear
Champion Trish Berkshire
Chan Nadia Surrey
Chapman Josephine  
Chastney Louise  
Cheel Anita Essex
Chen Wanshu Poertsmouth
Chora Ana Portugal
Clark Vronnie Cornwall
Clarke Michelle Essex
Clement Claire Swansea
Coates Julia North Wales
Coello Jane Leeds
Coles nee Daly Annabel Oxford
Collier Gaye Bristol
Collier Melanie Wales
Cook Rosie Bristol
Coulter Eleanor Berkshire
Cousins Jenny Sheffield
Cozart Jennifer Steilacoom, USA
Crocker Ramona Wales
Crosby Sharon Ilkley
Cross Elaine Sheffield
Croucher Ann Lincolnshire
Curtis Donna W Sussex
D’Allison Jenny Haywards Heath
Dakini Tara Ayershire
Dalley Danuta Lincolnshire
Danby Kim Gloucestershire
Danilenko Elina Cambridge
Darasse Louise Belgium
Darling Laura Edinburgh
Davidson Nancy Australia
Davies Debra Northumberland
Day Sian Calderdale
de Andres Jennifer Belgium
De Chadaravian Rita Oxon
De Sica Francesca London
De Simoni Ilaria Devon
Delmer Jane Jersey
Dent / Kenny Chloe E Sussex
Diamond Lana Huddersfield
Dickinson Sue Swindon
Dinsdale Roxanne Leicester
Disley Faye Essex
Dravecz Nikolett Sheffield
Eden Clare Gloucestershire
Eggins Heather Somerset, Devon
Elkasmi Rkia London
Ellison Louise Cambridge
Evans Caroline Not currently teaching
Everest nee Black Daun Kent
Facey Michelle  
Fallah Jaleh Sheffield
Fiberesima Natasha Stockport
Filippi Rose Glasgow
Fletcher Lynne Sheffield
Fletcher Tracey Sheffield
Flude Stephanie Aberdeenshire
Forrest Rachel  
Franks Judith  
Fraser Amanda Glasgow
Fraser Joanne Larbert, Scotland
Froggat Abi  
Fry Jackie Cornwall
Game Sarah Middlesborough
Garbutt Ruth Leeds
Garham Rhiannon Wales
Garrett Arlene Lancaster
Garrish Sarah Preston
Gaunt Sharon  
Gavalierova Martina  
Gelber Naama Kent
Gerrard Nicky  
Gilbert Louise Essex
Gimblett Katerina Wiltshire
Gledhill Alex  
Glen Adele Belfast
Glover Cath  
Goddard Jayney Hastings
Gooding Vanessa Hartlepool
Goodman Olivia Bristol
Gorczynska Elzbieta London
Goudarzi Danielle Aberdeen 
Grainger Gill W Yorkshire
Granger Jane  
Gray Natalie Oxford
Greene Lianna E Sussex
Greenslade Marisol E Sussex
Gurden Caroline Hastings
Halimi Victoria Swansea
Hall Rebekah Surrey
Hamilton Emma Stirling
Hancock Liz  
Harris Anne Jersey
Harris Michelle Kent
Harrison Karen  
Harrison Lorna  
Harrison Julia Sheffield
Healey Maura  
Heard Sian Cheltenham
Heath Joanna Dorset
Heaton Louise Bolton, Lancs
Heaviside Cicely Sheffield
Hein Solange London
Hemming Erica  
Hilliard Maria Southampton
Hirani Joshna  
Hislop Rachel  
Hole Angela Hants
Hollands Debbie  
Holley Louise Winscombe
Holmes Maureen Merseyside
Hoodbhoy Nadia London
Houle Jennifer Belfast
Howell Feyza Berkshire
Howrie Debbie Cumbria
Hudson Jan  
Hughes Wendy  
Humphrey Sharon Norfolk
Humphries Laura  
Hurcombe Bernadette Epsom
Hurd Connie Lincolnshire
Hutton Gillian Co Durham
Hutton Rosemary  
Isaac Kay Devon
Jabowska Bridget  
Jackson Fiona Shropshire
Jarrett Liz Southport
Jeffreys Deb Gwent
Jensen Marie Denmark
Johncocks Rebecca Isle of Skye
Johnson Aileen Inverness
Jones Kerry Cumbria
Jones Pam Gloucestershire
Jones Angela Shropshire
Jones Diane Newcastle
Jowers Sally Sheffield
Karstad Jill Hartlepool
Katriou Stamatia-Ann London
Keating Deborah Milton Keynes
Kelleher Sarah Cheshire
Kennedy Kay Scotland
Kennedy Sofia Hampshire
Kincaid Kathryn Berkshire
Laird Tammy Renfrewshire
Lane Angela Nottingham
Lane-Smith Susan  
Lapochkina Vera London
Lasalle Collette Somerset
Leach Jane Manchester
LeFevre Rosemary Norwich
Lewis Alison Northumberland
Lin Amy  
Litsa Constantina  
Livsey Elizabeth  
Lo Amy London
MacDonald Karen East Kilbride
MacDonald Catriona Wales
MacFarlane Nihoma Fife
Malone Bree Australia
Marriott Eleanor Broadmayne
Marshall Jennie Teddington
Mason Ruth  
Matsi Maria Essex
Matthewman Lisa  
Matthews Barbara Wales
Mayhew Tania Kettering
McAllister Sally Cumbria
McConkey Nichola Belfast
McCue Gina Jersey
McCue Rachel Sheffield
McCullough Natalie Suffolk
McGillivray Jude Shropshire
McGregor Clair Peterborough
McLachlan Aileen  
McLaren Nicola Edinburgh
McLean Joanna Belfast
Meadowcroft Carrie Merseyside
Medley Maud Kent
Meehan Pauline  
Mehmet Fatma Adnan  
Miller Joanne Tyne & Wear
Miri-Meziane Farah Kent
Mitchell Bethan Stirling
Mobley Catherine London
Mole Jane Kent
Molloy Jemma London
Moody Clare  
Morgan Penny Gloucester 
Morris Eve  
Munoz-Cobo Cebral Macarena  
Noble Vigil Iraya Edinburgh
O’Connell Mary  
O’Kane Eimear Edinburgh
Olivieri Giovanna  
Oniga Andreea Dundee
Ovenden Donna Hampshire
Owen Sabrina Leeds
Parvin Beatrice London
Payton Aimee Oxford
Pearlson Kathleen London
Phelan Margaret  
Phillips Debbie Hertfordshire
Phillips Helena Jane Swansea
Phyfer Maureen Scotland
Piggott Caroline Hampshire
Piros Szidonia Warwick
Platten Sara Essex
Pooke Angela Surrey
Porter Victoria Jarrow T&W
Price Karen Wolverhampton
Przibram Bridie Wales
Pulman Sarah Glasgow
Rafiefar Rachel Derby
Rapson Terri Shropshire
Reid Susan Jersey
Reynolds Aisling Coventry
Richardson Karen  
Rix Helen Leeds
Roberts Sally Wales
Roberts  Samantha North East
Robertshaw Diana Bedford
Robertson Amanda (Tigerlily) Peebles
Robins Julie Berkshire
Rorstad Julia Devon
Rowland Anne  
Rowley Helen Tamworth
Ryan Dee Tyne & Wear
Salem Claire Glastonbury
Salomon Lindsey Shropshire
Sanchez Munoz Cristina (Serenay) Surrey
Sanderson Caroline Cumbria
Sanz Erika London
Saunders Josephine Oxon
Scannell Noreen Ireland
Scott Stephanie W Midlands
Scott Geraldine  
Seymour Sue Surrey
Shakespeare Mary Preston
Sheard Emily Sheffield
Sheppard-Aldecoa Erica (Rikki) Gloucestershire
Shirkie Eleanor Ayrshire
Shutt Alexandra Jean  
Sinclair Eren  
Slack Sophie  
Smart Katerina Derby
Smith Beverley Leeds
Smyth Samantha Richmond
Snee Mandy Newcastle
Snook Raewyn New Zealand
Snow Nicola Essex
Sotiropoulou Walladay (Eirini) Manchester
Spoors Kelly Hartlepool
Spreadbury Merrion Hampshire
Stevens Louise North Wiltshire
Stewart Tricia County Durham
Stobbs Claire Newcastle
Stuckey Nadia Hove
Suganuma Itsumi London
Svanda Sarah Essex
Taberno Esther Surrey
Taplin Lisa  
Teasdale Kelly W Sussex
Terry Rachel Wiltshire
Thay Carol   Hertfordshire
Theaker Alison Devon
Thompson Julie Washington T&W
Thurston Helena Dorset
Tobin Claire Ireland
Tormo Martin Carmen Irene Sheffield
Trafford Jo Oxon
Trewhitt Sarah North Yorkshire
Trifona Christoudia Mel Cambridge
Trueman Eleanor Midlothian
Turnbill Joanne Southampton
Tyler Jacqui Oxon
Valkova Mariya Middlesex
Walker Rachel N Wales
Ward Joanie Glasgow
Ward Steffi Staffordshire
Warner Samantha Bedford
Warwick Christine Bedford
Wassell Charlotte Brighton
Watson Elise Cheshire
Wear Ann Huddersfield
Welch Natasha Hertfordshire
Welsby Gail Preston
Wheate Emma Redditch
White Kay Oxfordshire
White Olivia Harrow, Middlesex
White Sheila Birmingham
Whittaker Camilla  
Whittington Kathryn Berkshire
Wickard Ashley N Yorkshire
Williamson Rita Penrith
Williamson Tina Angus
Willis Fiona Somerset
Winestone Judith  
Woodhead Jen Staffordshire
Woolley Tatiana Nottingham
Ydstie Catherine  


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