Moyra Banks: The Power of Saidi : Sunday 23/2/25. 9.30 – 11.30


Sunday 23rd Feb 2025. 9.30am – 11.30am

The Power of Saidi with Moyra Banks.  From the tahtib competitions which are a part of the cultural roots of saidi dance in Upper Egypt.  Follow its journey to Reda style folklore and into cabaret settings.  Music, technique and combinations to illustrate.



Sunday 23rd February 2025
9.30 – 11.30am

The Power of Saidi
Moyra Banks looks at the roots of ‘Tahtib’, how it has been adapted to stage and embraced by dancers everywhere.  From the tahtib competitions which are a part of the cultural roots of saidi dance in Upper Egypt.  Follow its journey to Reda style folklore and into cabaret settings.  Music, technique and combinations to illustrate.  Bring a straight stick.
Moyra loves to share her knowledge and love of this dance form with her students.

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