Yasmina: Saturday: Interpretation of lyrics in your dance. 22/2/25: 9 – 11am


Saturday 22nd Feb 2025. 9am – 11am
Study with Yasmina –  Are you unsure about how to express the lyrics successfully and authentically when performing Egyptian songs?



Saturday 22nd February 2025
9 – 11am

Interpretation of lyrics in your dance
Are you unsure about how to express the lyrics successfully and authentically when performing Egyptian songs? In this workshop we will look at easy ways to relate to and express the sentiments and lyrics in a variety of different styles, when to do it and when not to, using body language, dance steps and gestures. A fun and immersive class for those who love dancing to Egyptian and other Arabic music

Yasmina was a professional dancer in Cairo for many years and loves to share her knowledge with other dancers.  Yasmina teaches at international festivals as well as events around the UK.  Yasmina is part of the BDN team and leads the ‘Bellydance Now International Challenge’

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