Kay Taylor
Weekly classes, Gateshead and Newcastle. Kay Taylor is one of the Bellydance Now team and is responsible for having achieved accreditation for the units of the Diploma Courses. One of the senior JWAAD Tutors, Kay is in demand throughout the UK to teach workshops and perform. She is recognised internationally both as a teacher and promoter of specialist belly dance events such as the Farha Festival in Luxor, which is based on working with live music.
Kay is passionate about people’s development as dancers. She is responsible for both Farida Adventures, running specialist trips for bellydancers to Egypt, and Farida Dance, purveyor of all things to do with belly dance. Through lockdown Kay developed her online membership programme, ‘Love Bellydance’. There are different membership options from £7 to £28. Join Kay for an eclectic mix of all things bellydance ….. and both pre-recorded tutorials and live classes. Go to ‘Love Bellydance’ to find out more.
Kay teaches on the Safety, History, Music and Teaching Methods and Performance courses as well as being a mentor and assessor.
JWAAD Certification
JWAAD Teaching Diploma
JWAAD mentor and L4 master teacher